
It's a way of improving flexibility, strengthening and balancing of the whole body having in mind breathing and core control.
The benefits of Pilates are numerous. It allows us to recognize our weaknesses, correct them and diminish the risk of recurrence. It can correct and improve the posture by increasing muscle tone while increasing flexibility and coordination. It requires abdominal and buttock contraction in all exercises.
Breathing is performed slowly with concentration, control and precision. A good breathing pattern optimizes blood oxygen level which in turn favours elimination of body waste products.
Exercises in Pilates may be performed on the floor or with specific Pilates apparatus. These exercises are composed of movements that require many muscular groups in a methodical order and irregular combinations.
Pilates training is done under constant supervision of the instructor. He/she makes sure that each exercises is performed with precision and is coordinated with the breathing technique.
The advantage of having a Pilates instructor trained in physical therapy is his knowledge of different musculoskeletal pathologies and the body biomechanics. It allows a safe transition between an acute episode of pain and the return to sport and activity.
Who is Pilates for?
- Someone lacking lumbar stabilisation
- Someone with a rigid thoracic spine
- Someone with alignment problems of the lower limbs
- Someone with a lack of general flexibility
- Athletes who are seeking improvement in their performance