Let’s Get Back To Life!

Our Team

Picture of Malaurie Barbelanne Osteopath at Action Sport Physio Montreal West and Montreal East-End
Malaurie Barbelanne
I'm available at these clinics:
Montreal - East End, Montreal West, Verdun
Picture of Philippe Barrette Receptionist at the Action Sport Physio Cabrini clinic
Philippe Barrette
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Chantal Berthelet Receptionist at the Action Sport Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Chantal Berthelet
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Kevin Chen Physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Kevin Chen
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Gabrielle Despars Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist) at the Action Sports Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Gabrielle Despars
Physiotherapy Technologist
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Tasnim Fekra Receptionist at the Action Sport Physio Montreal East End clinic
Tasnim Fekra
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Philippe Gervais Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist) at the Action Sport Physio Montreal East-End clinic
Philippe Gervais
Physiotherapy Technologist
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Dumeny Hériveaux
Massage Therapist
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Rosie Jean-Michel Owner at the Action Sports Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Rosie Jean-Michel
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Hugues Philippeaux Owner at the Action Sports Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Hugues Philippeaux
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Clotilde Sévigné
Massage Therapist
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Théo Stafford-Richard Physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Théo Stafford-Richard
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Hong Zhi Zhang Physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Montreal - Est End clinic
Hong Zhi Zhang
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End
Picture of Tamara Lefranc Occupational Therapist at the Action Sports Physio Montreal - East End clinic
Tamara Lefranc
Occupational Therapist
I'm available at this clinic:
Montreal - East End