This therapy is based on a millennial tradition used for treating patients through centuries and on Yin and Yang, the concept of balance of vital energy.
When the energy is in balance, the person is considered healthy. However, an imbalance of the flow of this vital energy is the cause of diseases and pain. Acupuncture stimulates and increases the body's self-healing abilities. It aims to improve health and relieve various types of pain.
Science is beginning to show that acupuncture stimulates different regions of the nervous system, leading to the release of natural analgesic substances, such as endorphins and enkephalins. Furthermore, acupuncture helps regulate the flow of neurotransmitters in the brain, harmonizing the way the brain sends and receives information from diseased tissues or organs.
How is acupuncture performed?
Acupuncture uses specific points on the body surface, which are activated by the virtually painless insertion of a very fine stainless-steel needle. Once the needle is in place, the patient may experience a very special local sensation called Qi", which results from the activation of the acupuncture point and shows that the therapeutic effect is achieved.
The acupuncturist can use different tools and techniques, other than needles, to stimulate acupuncture points, such as laser, cupping, Gua sha, electrical stimulation, and moxa.
Acupuncture is a personalized therapy, where each case is interpreted and analyzed according to the specific characteristics of each patient.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. Acupuncture is very safe because it is done with sterile, single-use disposable needles, minimizing the risk of infection.
Acupuncture is free of toxicity because no chemical or medical substances are inserted.
Planning acupuncture sessions
Acupuncture is an individual and personalized therapy. Thus, the duration of the treatment may vary depending on the needs of each patient. In general, about 10 sessions are needed to obtain an optimal result but, of course, this can vary according to each client and the clinical case at hand.
Acupuncture can act on the following cases and systems, as well as a support for sports performance, as prevention, in seasonal changes, in addictions and other health conditions.
- Musculoskeletal (pain): Plantar fasciitis, arthritis, rheumatism, torticollis, neck pain, sciatica, lumbago, muscle aches, headaches, migraines, sports injuries, epicondylitis, cramps, sprains, bursitis, trigeminal neuralgia, facial neuralgia, various knee disorders and others.
- Digestive: nausea, vomiting, gastric reflux, bloating, biliary and liver disorders, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite and more.
- Circulatory: cold limbs, chills, swelling, edema, hypertension, hypotension and other disorders.
- Genitourinary and reproductive: vaginitis, painful, abundant or irregular menstrual periods, end of menstruation, menopause, libido, reproductive system disorders, impotence, problems related to pregnancy.
- Neurological: nervousness, anxiety, stress, insomnia, stuttering, nervous tics, phobias, depressive state, general fatigue, obsessions, nightmares, vertigo, tremor, loss of balance, sleep disorders, memory loss, hemiplegia, some forms of paralysis, some muscular dystrophies and atrophies.
- Respiratory: seasonal allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, colds, flu, dyspnea, asthma, bronchitis.
- Ocular: eye problems, conjunctivitis, certain types of visual loss, glare issues, black spots.
- Hearing: some types of deafness, ringing in the ears, whistling noise (tinnitus), Meniere's syndrome, ear pain.
- Dermal: eczema, shingles, boils, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, urticaria.
- Blainville
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- Maisonneuve Rosemont
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- Mascouche
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- Montreal - Downtown
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- West Island (Dollard-des-Ormeaux)