Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Veronica Wang physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Bois-Franc clinic
Véronica Wang

Véronica Wang


or Call us at
514 375-0750


Practising pediatric physiotherapist with a special interest in early childhood neurodevelopment and sensory motor integration in children with neurodivergence, Veronica graduated from McGill university with a master's degree in physiotherapy in 2016 and has since dedicated her career in helping young children improve their physical wellbeing and motor capacity.

Veronica firmly believes in the promotion of developmental synergy during infancy and early childhood. Improvements of motor capacity and sensory motor integration have been consistently shown to be associated with better behaviour regulation, improved concentration and language skills in children with neurodivergence. Veronica highly values the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the consistent application of clinical recommendations across different disciplines (ABA, speech, physical and occupational therapy, etc.)

‘'Therapies should always be strength focused. We work on their limitations, so that their strength can better carry them forward’’ – Veronica Weike Wang MSc, PHT.

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