Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Heather Sterling-Marriott Massage Therapist at the Action Sport Physio, Montreal Downtown, Town of Mount Royal, clinics
Heather Sterling-Marriott
Massage Therapist

Heather Sterling-Marriott

Massage Therapist

Montreal - Downtown
Town of Mount Royal


Originally a graduate from Concordia University in Exercise Science with a specialization in Athletic Therapy, Heather’s fascination with the human body in motion and striving for optimizing human potential has been the theme of her extensive career in the health and wellness industry with a practice spanning two decades to date. Professionally, she is licensed as a Massage Therapist and holds academic background including vocational training in the arts and sciences of various massage therapies. The combination of influences between Massage Therapy and Athletic Therapy lay the foundation for being a respected professional in her community. Recognized as a licensed massage therapist (LMT), she is proud of a legacy of influence in three main capacities. She has been a senior instructor at the Kine-Concept Institute, an agent of quality control and supervisor for the Federation of Quebec Massage Therapists and practitioner who blends the attainment of clinical health outcomes with feel good experience that a client can enjoy in the process of recovery facilitation.

At Action Sport Physio St-Laurent, Heather desires to share her passion and expertise for massage therapies so that clients may benefit from massage interventions as a stand alone or as part of a collaboration of therapies that comprise the recommended health recovery plan. Whether the main objective is to reset from accumulation of stress, a relaxation massage or to stimulate the body’s ability to regeneration via healthy circulation, reduction of pain and stress so that the return to a state of holistic wellbeing is encouraged.

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