Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Stéphanie Dubois Massage Therapist at the Action Sport Physio Mascouche clinic
Stéphanie Dubois
Massage Therapist

Stéphanie Dubois

Massage Therapist



Passionate about the human body, movement and well-being from an early age, this is what motivated her to become a certified private trainer in 2013 and then a massage therapist in 2021.

She firmly believes that movement is the key to well-being, both physically and mentally. This belief is reflected not only in her life, but also in her approach as a massage therapist.

She skilfully combines her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and massage techniques to relieve muscular tension, promote blood circulation and soothe the mind. She offers her expertise to those seeking to improve their musculoskeletal discomforts so they can live life without limits.

Her caring touch and empathetic listening create an environment conducive to relaxation and recovery.

Services Offered

Services Offered