Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Pierre-Luc Tessier Physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Saint-Bruno clinic
Pierre-Luc Tessier

Pierre-Luc Tessier




Pierre-Luc obtained his master's degree in physiotherapy from the University of Sherbrooke in 2022 and is a member of the Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. Originally from the Far North, he chose to settle and start his career in the Montreal area and its surroundings.

A sportsman from a young age, Pierre-Luc has been involved in physio from near and far due to multiple injuries sustained during his career as a minor field hockey player. His interest in not only understanding how the body works, but what to do to help it recover from a problem, which was already part of him. Moving from hospital practice to research, it is the pace and the clientele of the private sector that had him charmed during his university internships. His goal is to perfect his knowledge in manual therapy, movement analysis and vestibular therapy.

Beyond understanding and solving problems, it is the human contact that motivates Pierre-Luc to practice physiotherapy. The fact that each case, each person is a different puzzle to solve and that each follow-up is unique ignites him. He sees the therapeutic relationship with the client not only as a way to help the client achieve his or her own goals, but also as a way to realize himself or herself as a person.

An avid outdoorsman, Pierre-Luc loves to hike, run, and has a heart for field hockey, basketball and indoor training.

Services Offered

Services Offered