Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Carole Leduc Osteopath at the Action Sports Physio Laval clinic
Carole Leduc

Carole Leduc




D.O., B.Sc., CAT(c)

Carole joined the Action Sport Physio West Island clinic in 1989. A graduate from Concordia University with a BSc. in Exercise Sciences specialized in Athletic Therapy she became a certified athletic therapist in 1994. She is since a member of both the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association (CATA) and the Corporation des Thérapeutes du Sport du Quebec (CTSQ). As such, she was first involved with the clinic as the coordinator of both the Industrial Rehab Program and the Pool therapy program between 1990 and 1995, as well as covering numerous sporting events.

She then pursued her studies in osteopathy at the College d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal from which she graduated in 1996. Since then, she has been a member of Ostéopathie Québec (fusion of the former Registre des Ostéopathes du Québec (R.O.Q.) and of the Association des Diplômés en Ostéopathie du Québec (ADOQ)).  She has taught human physiology at the Canadian College of Osteopathy (CCO) in Toronto between 1998 and 2002 and in 2002, she co-organized the CATA annual national conference on the theme of the adolescent athlete’s health. Between 2003 and 2005, she co-directed two osteopathic research projects studying the impact of osteopathic treatment on the recovery of athletes that had suffered a cerebral concussion.

A true believer in continuous education, she participates on an annual basis to different courses, symposiums and conferences with growing interest towards the neurological development of children, including newborns. In fact, she is currently a member of the teaching team in pediatrics at the College d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal.

Carole is also the owner of Performance NeuroVision, an Action Sport Physio partner at the Laval branch.  Site address:

Her personal sports experience includes 8 years of training in dance, and she is a former high-level athlete and coach in synchronized swimming. Now, she trains with yoga, Pilates and is swimming and kayaking.

With all this experience, Carole now sees clients of all ages, from newborns to adults,  and from recreational to elite athletes, always with the same objective: promoting an optimal return to health and activity!

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