Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Dmitri Zelenski Physiotherapist at the Action Sports Physio Maisonneuve Rosemont clinic
Dmitri Zelenski
Physiotherapist, Responsible for the Protection of Personal Information

Dmitri Zelenski

Physiotherapist, Responsible for the Protection of Personal Information

Maisonneuve Rosemont


Dmitri received his Master's degree in Physical Therapy in 2016 from the University of Montreal.

In order to provide the best care to his patients, he has taken several continuing education courses over the years. In particular, he has completed courses in temporomandibular joint evaluation and treatment, vestibular rehabilitation, subdermal needling, as well as technical training in knee arthroplasty.

He currently works with a diverse clientele representing a wide range of conditions and is involved in clinical teaching.

Outside of the office, Dmitri's interests include field hockey, tennis and basketball. He plays floor field hockey and is passionate about fitness training, video games and cooking.

Services Offered

Services Offered