Let’s Get Back To Life!
Vanessa Chartier
Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist)

Vanessa Chartier

Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist)


Vanessa is a healthcare professional with a passion for helping others recover and maintain their physical well-being. She began her journey in 2014 by obtaining her diploma in physical rehabilitation techniques from Collège Montmorency.

Driven by the desire to offer comprehensive care, she expanded her expertise with training in massage therapy. Guided by her desire to deepen her skills and provide targeted and effective care, she pursued training in deep tissue and level 2 structural myofascial therapy.

Always eager for knowledge and committed to offering the best to her clients, Vanessa continued her education and specialized in Pilates in 2021. Pilates, with its principles of strength, flexibility, and control, proved to be a natural extension of her existing skills, allowing her to provide a holistic approach to health and well-being. Thanks to this specialization, she now guides her clients towards better posture, increased strength, and pain relief.

By combining her skills in physiotherapy, massage therapy, and Pilates, Vanessa offers a personalized journey to well-being, helping each of her clients find balance between body and mind.