Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Patrick Salloum Physiotherapist at the Action Sports Physio Villeray clinic
Patrick Salloum
Physiotherapist, Owner

Patrick Salloum

Physiotherapist, Owner



Physiotherapist since 2008, Patrick obtained his diploma in physiotherapy in Lebanon and began his career in a hospital setting, taking care of a postoperative orthopedic clientele, including total knee and hip replacements, but also in general medicine, vascular and cardio respiratory.

At the same time, his passion for sports led him to follow several sports teams as a first responder on the field, taking care of all musculoskeletal injuries related to sports practice.

After arriving in Quebec at the end of 2015, and after starting the process of recognition of studies done outside of Quebec with the Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec, he followed the equivalence program in physiotherapy organized by the University of Montreal and obtained his graduate degree in 2017. He has since become a member of the OPPQ and works in private clinics, treating clients of various ages, ranging from young athletes in various sports disciplines, to adults in the workforce, including mothers and fathers, to older clients with varying levels of activity.

Patrick likes to use a personalized approach to his treatments that is tailored to the client's needs and type of injury, and offers treatments based on the latest medical evidence and research, while taking into consideration the client's physical and psychosocial context, abilities and goals.

Coming from a multicultural society, Patrick appreciates the diversity in Quebec and the cultural exchanges between communities. In the clinic, his priority is to make each client feel comfortable in order to establish a professional relationship of trust that will allow him or her, most importantly, to be involved in his or her own treatment and to be responsible for following the physiotherapist's instructions for a better success of the therapeutic follow-up and the attainment of the pre-established objectives.

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