Let’s Get Back To Life!
Noura Outtara

Noura Outtara



Noura is a law student at the university. She embodies the balance between academic rigor and a passion for sports. In an effort to reconcile her studies with her love for soccer, she has decided to put her skills to use at our clinic as a receptionist.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Noura shares her knowledge as a soccer coach for several years, demonstrating her pedagogical ease and desire to help others. Her commitment to sports and teamwork also translates into her role as a receptionist, where she highlights her listening skills and attention to detail to ensure a warm and efficient welcome.

Outside of her study and work hours, Noura dedicates time to taking care of her health by engaging in training sessions. Her boundless energy is expressed through her commitment both in the academic world and in her passion for soccer. Noura embodies determination, leadership, and dedication, making her a valuable and versatile collaborator within the clinic.