Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Meri Makaryan Nutritionist at the Action Sport Physio Laval clinic
Meri Makaryan

Meri Makaryan



Nutritionist in the city of Laval, Meri is a graduate of McGill University and a member of the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec.

Convinced that a balanced diet can greatly improve the quality of life, Meri wishes to accompany you in every step of your journey towards health.

Having grown up in a kitchen that always smelled good, she knows that pleasure and culture should be an important part of your diet, no matter what your situation. Forget the restrictive diet, she will find strategies that work for you in the long run.

She is particularly interested in intuitive eating and will use kindness to get you through the obstacles and guide you towards your goals.

Judgment and guilt have no place in her office! She will help you to have healthy relationship with food while working on your nutritional goals.

Her mission: to work with you as a team until you are self-sufficient and no longer need her help.

Services Offered

Services Offered