Let’s Get Back To Life!
Jingru Jian
Massage Therapist

Jingru Jian

Massage Therapist

Marché Central (Ahuntsic)


Jingru Jian is a member of the Réseau des Massothérapeutes du Québec  (RMPQ). She specializes in Swedish massage, Structural Myofascial Therapy, and Hot Stone Massage, having received her training from IKRA Academy of Massage Therapy. Jingru’s interest in massage therapy began after a personal experience where a massage therapist successfully cured her years-long wrist pain in just two sessions. This transformative experience ignited her passion for the healing power of massage. Inspired by her education at massage school, she realized that a great massage not only alleviates physical pain but also addresses emotional well-being. 

Since graduating, Jingru has gained extensive experience working in spa and clinic settings, where she combines her therapeutic approach to cater to all aspects of healing and relaxation. Her goal is to harmonize and balance, accompanying each client through every session, whether it be for therapeutic or relaxation purposes. 

Services Offered

Services Offered