Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Christos Giannou Massage Therapist at the Action Sports Physio Lachine clinic
Christos Giannou
Massage Therapist

Christos Giannou

Massage Therapist



Christos Giannou, LMT is a Licensed Massage Therapist who’s completed over 1300 hours of training and is fully certified in every modality of massage that he practices including: Swedish, Therapeutic/Sports, Lymphatic drainage, Hot Stone and Prenatal Massage. His specialty is deep tissue and cranial/sacral therapy.

Massage benefits anyone, not just athletes, regardless of any age. Chris has been providing Massage Therapy Services on the island of Montreal since 2000. Since then his admiration for his practice, travels and studies has helped him develop his own therapeutic method, by combining an array of various techniques and stretches. It has helped people relieve the pain of injuries, stress, accidents, and body discomfort, as well as maintain good bodily and mental health.

It’s a physical work injury that lead him to this career path. What started out as an idea, turned into a passion. “Receiving massage treatments on a regular basis healed my injuries and lead me to a better overall state of physical and mental wellness. If it could help me, it can help anyone”.

He has had the opportunity to work in various clinics and spas in the city, but now wants to call Action Sport Physio his home. His clients range from all types of athletes, movie stars and high-profile officials. But the one good thing about massage therapy is that it’s for everyone, and all you must do is to give him the opportunity to make a positive change in your life. The rest is up to you.

Services Offered

Services Offered