Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Rosie Cavanaugh Physiotherapist at the Action Sport Physio Laval clinic
Rosie Cavanaugh

Rosie Cavanaugh


Laval West (Ste-Dorothée)


Olivia-Rose completed her Master of Applied Sciences in physical therapy from McGill University in 2022. Her interest in this profession stems from her abiding interest in the human body and its function. This was further reinforced after graduating as a physiotherapy technologist in 2015 from Dawson College & as part of their first cohort.

As a competitive coach & teacher of dance for over 10 years, Olivia-Rose found a love for working with the pediatric clientele of all ages, which she further gained knowledge and expertise in through her advanced pediatric courses taken at McGill and her stages in the pediatric setting. She also holds a Bachelor’s in Education since 2018 that has provided her with further experience in working with children.

Furthermore, as an active dancer herself having experienced multiple musculoskeletal injuries, Olivia-Rose wanted to learn more about sport injuries, taking an elective Sports Physiotherapy. As such, she hopes to add to her knowledge by treating various types of athletes at the clinic, as well as sport events. Along with her attestation, in Advanced Pediatrics & Sports Physiotherapy, Olivia-Rose also has an attestation to perform manipulations on peripheral joints. 

Over the next few years, Olivia-Rose plans to further her knowledge and skills in the treatment of sport injuries, pediatric conditions, as well as manual therapy to best serve the community at Action Sport Physio. 

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Services Offered