Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Andrée-Li Boudreau Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist) at the Action Sport Physio Blainville clinic
Andrée-Li Boudreau
Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist)

Andrée-Li Boudreau

Physiotherapy Technologist (Physical Rehabilitation Therapist)


Graduated in physiotherapy technique from Collège Montmorency since 2015, Andrée-Li has gained experience in the rehabilitation of industrial (CNESST) and road (SAAQ) injuries. In her professional career, she has taken several training courses that enable her to take good care of her patients, according to their needs:

- Neuro-proprioceptive taping level 1

- Lumbar stabilization: turnkey strengthening and control

- Mild traumatic brain injury: from injury to return to function

- McKenzie’s training - Lumbar A

- Manual therapy upper limb level 1

- Lower limb manual therapy level 1

She has a natural ability to create a bond of trust with her patients, helping her to personalize her therapeutic approach with each of them. Considering her keen interest in physical activity in general (ultimate Frisbee, swimming, running and yoga), she especially advocates a healthy, balanced and active lifestyle among her patients, which promotes better recovery. Working as a team with her patients is the key to success!

Andrée-Li has been studying osteopathy at the Centre ostéopathique du Québec (COQ) since September 2020 (graduation planned for 2026).

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