Let’s Get Back To Life!
Maria Beltré
Massage Therapist

Maria Beltré Massage Therapist



After practicing my initial profession, I discovered the power of touch, which has guided my career toward massage therapy since 2008. Over the years, my perception of the body has evolved, allowing me to recognize the extraordinary being that we are, where each aspect is interconnected, and every action has repercussions. 

Wholeness holds significant importance in my practice, as the body has its unique way of expressing itself, and I continually strive to lower the volume. The various techniques I've explored have brought me back to the essentials, and I incorporate a dimension of mindfulness, respect, and listening to the body, guiding my practice towards compassion. 

 Whether it's a therapeutic or relaxing massage, my goal is to harmonize and balance, accompanying each individual throughout the session. 

Services Offered

Services Offered