Let’s Get Back To Life!
Gabrielle Laurent

Gabrielle Laurent Osteopath



Gabrielle began her career as a Physiotherapy Technologist in 2019 and later pursued training in massage therapy, allowing her to work with a diverse clientele. Her desire to deepen her understanding of the human body led her to further her studies in Osteopathy at the Montreal College of Osteopathic Studies. Currently in her 5th and final year of training, Gabrielle is certified by the RITMA professional association to provide osteopathy sessions.

Her precise palpation, attentive listening, and holistic approach enable her to address not only symptoms but also the underlying causes of health issues. Whether your concern is neuromusculoskeletal, visceral, or cranial, Gabrielle is here to help you regain the balance and vitality you need to lead an active and fulfilling life.