Let’s Get Back To Life!
Picture of Cédrine Labrosse-Girard Osteopath at the Action Sport Physio Laval-Duvernay
Cédrine Labrosse-Girard

Cédrine Labrosse-Girard Osteopath

Laval – Duvernay


Cédrine completed her first and second cycle in osteopathy at the Montreal College of Osteopathic Studies in 2022.

Originally a massage therapist with deep tissue training, her enthusiasm for manual therapy led her to pursue osteopathy. With a second-cycle dissertation focusing on gynecological pain before conception, she also took post-graduate courses in obstetrics, sports injuries, and chronic pain. Curious by nature, she attended continuing education courses such as structural-tissue mobilizations 1 and 2, fertility and gynecology, and kinesiological taping.

Having participated in various sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, aerial circus, and cheerleading, her passion for sports has always been a part of her life. With a background as a lifeguard, swimming instructor, and lifeguard instructor, her favorites are swimming first, followed by yoga and bouldering.

She is comfortable with all types of clients and reasons for seeking osteopathic treatment!

Services offered: 

Cranial approach 

Visceral approach 

Musculoskeletal approach 

Fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum support 


Kinesiological taping 

Jaw pain